Pandas Copy Column to New Dataframe 2025: Ultimate VS Guide


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Copying columns to new dataframes is an essential technique in Pandas, a powerful Python library for data analysis. This process enables the creation of new datasets with specific columns, facilitating data manipulation and analysis. Pandas offers several methods to achieve this task, including the copy(), assign(), and loc functions.

Methods for Copying Columns

1. Copy Method**

The copy() method creates a new dataframe with a shallow copy of the specified columns. This means that changes made to the original dataframe will not affect the new dataframe, and vice versa.

pandas copy column to new dataframe


new_df = original_df.copy(deep=False)

2. Assign Method**

The assign() method creates a new dataframe by assigning the specified columns to new names. It performs a deep copy, ensuring that changes made to the original dataframe won’t affect the new dataframe.


Pandas Copy Column to New Dataframe 2025: Ultimate VS Guide

new_df = original_df.assign(new_name=original_df['old_name'])

3. Loc Method**

The loc method allows for indexing and slicing of rows and columns. It can be used to create new dataframes by selecting and copying specific columns.



new_df = original_df.loc[:, ['col1', 'col2']]

VS Comparison

Method Pros Cons
Copy Fast (shallow copy) Changes to original dataframe affect new dataframe
Assign Deep copy (no shared memory) Slower than copy()
Loc Versatile (can select rows and columns) Can be slower for large dataframes

Why Copying Columns Matters

  • Data Manipulation: Copying columns enables the creation of new datasets with specific columns for analysis, processing, and modeling.
  • Data Consistency: Deep copying ensures that the new dataframe is independent of the original dataframe, preventing accidental modifications.
  • Efficiency: Shallow copying can be used for quick operations where data consistency is not critical.

Benefits of Copying Columns

  • Reduced memory usage (shallow copy)
  • Enhanced data integrity (deep copy)
  • Flexibility in data manipulation and analysis

Case Study

Consider a dataframe containing customer data with columns name, age, and salary. To create a new dataframe with only the name and age columns, we can use the following code:

new_df = original_df[['name', 'age']]

This new dataframe will contain a shallow copy of the specified columns, allowing for independent analysis and manipulation.

Future Trends

The increasing adoption of Pandas in data analysis and machine learning suggests that copying columns will remain a crucial technique in the future. As data volumes grow, optimized copying methods will become more important for efficient data processing and analysis.


  1. What is the difference between shallow and deep copy?
    – Shallow copy creates a new dataframe with references to the original data, while deep copy creates an independent copy.

  2. When should I use shallow copy over deep copy?
    – Shallow copy is faster and can be used when data consistency is not critical.

  3. How do I copy a single column to a new dataframe?
    – Use the copy() method with a single column name as the argument.

  4. Can I copy multiple columns in one operation?
    – Yes, use a list of column names as the argument to the copy() or loc methods.

  5. How can I improve the efficiency of copying columns?
    – Consider using shallow copy for quick operations and indexing methods (loc) for selecting specific columns.

  6. What are some creative applications of copying columns?
    – Creating feature subsets for machine learning
    – Generating pivot tables with specific column combinations
    – Merging dataframes based on shared columns


Copying columns to new dataframes is a powerful technique in Pandas for data manipulation and analysis. By understanding the different methods and their strengths and weaknesses, data analysts can optimize their workflow and effectively manage data for various applications.

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